Category: School News

Box Top Party

Box Top Party

November 26th- December 21 each class will be collecting box tops.  The class that collects the most earns a party.  These box tops help our school library buy more books.  Please support our Harris...

Special Rewards for Report Cards

Special Rewards for Report Cards

Outstanding Report Cards Earn Special Rewards           The Daily Reporter newspaper of Greenfield has a special incentive program for all students 1st – 6th grade who receive an outstanding report card.  Each grading...

Penny Wars for United Way

Penny Wars for United Way

Monday:  Pennies   Wear: Polka Dots or Stripes Tuesday:  Nickels  Wear: A Disney Character Shirt Wednesday:  Dimes  Wear:  Your Favorite Hat Thursday:  Quarters  Wear:  Your Favorite Sports Shirt Friday:  Cash/Checks  Wear:  Wear Blue (United for...

Fall Break Camp

Fall Break Camp

Are you looking for something creative for your child or children to do during our 2 week fall break?  Try an out this Camp! Attached below is a document with information regardingthe YMCA camp....

Coats for Kids

Coats for Kids

COATS FOR KIDS   Have your children outgrown last year’s coats?  Would you like to give them to a good cause?    The 26th annual Bob Gregory’s Coats for Kids campaign kicked off on Labor...