Category: Uncategorized

April Perfect Attendance

April Perfect Attendance

Check out all the Harris students that were here every minute of each day in the month of April! Great job!! April Perfect Attendance Harris Elementary School

Kindergarten 101

Kindergarten 101

Please click the link for information about a wonderful learning opportunity for incoming kindergarten students hosted by Purdue Extension! 2018Kindergarten RoundUp Flier Greenfield

Volleyball Summer Camp

Volleyball Summer Camp

Click the link for more information on this great opportunity for you child to enjoy a volleyball camp this summer right here in Greenfield! 2018 GC Volleyball Summer Camp

Mini Cougar Track Camp

Mini Cougar Track Camp

Please click the link for information and registration for this year’s Mini Cougar Track Camp for grades K-6! Mini Cougar Track Camp

March Perfect Attendance

March Perfect Attendance

We are thrilled to announce these awesome Harris kiddos that had perfect attendance for the month of March! Great job! March Perfect Attendance Harris Elementary School

Basketball Skill Development

Basketball Skill Development

Please see the link for an exciting opportunity for youth skill basketball development held at J.B. Stephens. This program is completely free! Youth Skill Development Flier

YMCA Summer Camp Open House

YMCA Summer Camp Open House

Please check the attached link for information about the YMCA Summer Camp Open House. Get all your questions answered, and get ready for summer!! open house flyer Weston