Category: Uncategorized

Mini Cougar Track Camp

Mini Cougar Track Camp

Please see the attached document for information about the Mini Cougar Track Camp! Such a fun opportunity for our students! Mini Cougar track Camp 2019

PGA Jr. League

PGA Jr. League

Please see attached link for information on the Arrowhead/Hawk’s Tail PGA Jr. League for ALL golf skill levels ages 7-13! 2019 ArrowheadHawks Tail _PGAJrLeague_Flier

Rocket Reader Program

Rocket Reader Program

Please click the link to see important parent information explaining our Harris Rocket Reader Program! The other link will give some suggestions for getting in those 20 minutes of reading! We love creating lifelong...

Rocket Reader Celebration!!

Rocket Reader Celebration!!

Harris Rocket Readers Celebrates! Harris Elementary students who reached the Rocket Reader program goal attended a party to celebrate their reading accomplishments!! An amazing 103 students completed their mission!!! Congratulations to all and a...