Standards Based Report Cards

Standards Based Report Cards at Tier 1 in G-C

                This year, all Tier 1 students (K-3rd grade) will have a Standards Based Report Card (SBRC).  According to the handbook, “Standards describe what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level in all subjects.”  A Standards Based Report Card is designed to give parents better and more information about how their child is progressing.  If the child is indicated to be Proficient that means that the child has met grade-level standards.  Developing, indicates that the child is approaching the standards, while Below Grade Level means that the child has not met the standards.  Exemplary means that the child has exceeded the standards.  The SBRC will also provide information on the child’s work habits and attendance.

                A SBRC ensures more consistency of expectations from teacher to teacher, helps teachers and students focus on the standards from the very beginning of the year, which allows students an opportunity to get help sooner if they are not making adequate progress.  Most important, parents will learn exactly how their students are doing based on the standards, ensuring that they are ready for the next grade level. 

                For more information, consult the student handbook, available under “Resources” on the elementary school webpages at, or contact your child’s school.

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